Valeters and Detailing Insurance

Valeters & Detailing Insurance Comparison

Valeters insurance is different from a typical motor trade or tradesman public liability policy. Car washes usually have lots of cash which need insuring while there is also the risk of damaging a customers car.

We work with specialist UK, FCA registered motor trade brokers who specialist in valeters insurance. This allows you to get the best deal and the cheapest policy.

What Is A Valeter?

A valet is a person who washes, cleans, polishes or waxes cars and other vehicles for a living.

What Is Valeters Insurance?

Valeters insurance covers car washing services against any liability they may encounter.

Valeters Policy Types

Road Risks

Importantly, any UK motor trade business that will drive customers vehicles on roads requires road risk insurance. If the company will collect a vehicle to clean at home, road risk is vital to carry out your business.

Valeting Tools Cover

Tool cover will cover any tools you use for valeting or detailing against fire, theft and accidental damage. Tool cover will cover everything from jet washes to buffer machines. Its worth noting tool cover does not usually include wear and tear.

Public Liability

Day-to-day vehicle valeting tasks are reasonably low risk. However, on occasion, injury to customer or damage to their property may occur. A public lability component of your policy will ensure you are not held liable for such claims.

An instance of a car washing business claim is the driver gets out of the car to sit in the waiting room. When they get out of the car, they fall over a power cable to the jet wash. If the individual is injured, liability could lay with the business.

Employers Liability

Employers liability will cover your business employees against injury and accident caused by caring out business tasks.

Service Indemnity

Services indemnity insurance is an extension of public liability insurance, however, it covers the vehicle worked on if damaged. For example, if a wing mirror was broker when valeting and a customer complained, the insurance policy would cover this.

Another common claim is knocking the gearbox whilst cleaning the dashboard or footwell leading to a crash.

For a cheaper service indemnity policy, a split indemnity policy is available. Split indemnity is where the business pays half the claim as well as the insurer. Comparatively, split indemnity is a great way to save money compared to a fully comprehensive policy.

Stock & Money Held Insurance

Some car washes are cash only and, as a result, can be targets of crime. Stock and holding insurance cover items otherwise uninsurable with commercial property insurance, such as large cash amounts. Many commercial property insurances will cover cash but to a small limited amount.

How To Get Cheap Valeters Insurance

Shop Around

By filling in our online quote form, you can get insurance quotes from 3 leading UK brokers. They will shop around to get the best deal meaning you will get the three very best deals across the market.

Give Accurate Information

By giving correct information, you ensure your car cleaning business is fully insured. By not doing this, your business could end up being liable for a claim. You will need to provide some proof of being a car valeting business to take out the policy.

Use No Claims Discounts

No claims discount can result in significant savings for any commercial insurance policy. However, motor trade policies, including valeters, cover personal no claims bonuses are sometimes eligible for a discount.

Train Staff

A comprehensive induction to health and safety can result in less accidents, more efficient work. Overall less accidents will result in less claims and more no claims discounts.

Improve Security

By having a bolted down safe for storing valuables such as cash, this reduces the chance of a successful burglary while installing CCTV will deter crime taking place at your property.


What insurance do I need for car valeting?

For car valeting, a valeters motor trade insurance policy is needed which will cover road risk, public liability, employee liability and tools in one policy.

Do I need insurance to wash cars?

Valeters insurance is needed to wash cars. Valeters insurance includes road risk, public liability insurance and more.

Is a car wash liable for damages?

Car washes are liable for damages incurred to vehicles they valet. Nevertheless, there needs proof to be able to make a claim against the business.