Car Dealers Insurance

Compare Car Dealers Insurance Quotes

Get cheaper business and motor trade insurance for your car dealership business today.

About Car Dealer Insurance

Car dealership insurance can cover a multitude of insurance risks such as motor tradepublic liability insurance, employee liability, professional indemnity, business interruption as well as commercial buildings an contents.

We have handy experts on hand to inform you on the right cover for you, or continue reading to find out more about car dealer insurance.

What Is Car Dealer Insurance?

Car dealer insurance insurance will cover vehicles whilst in care or custody for the business, while customers are on your premises and potentially even your sales team for professional indemnity. It’s worth noting while insurance can cover you for all sorts of cover, if for any reason you break the law or T&C’s of your cover, you may no longer be covered.

Full list of potential cover car dealers should consider:

  • Business premises and contents insurance
  • Car stock protection insurance
  • Road risk cover
  • Tools and equipment insurance
  • Public liability
  • Employers’ liability
  • Professional indemnity insurance
  • Loss of income insurance
  • Accompanied demonstration insurance

If you are unsure one of our helpful advisors can help you decide what policy you need.

Things That Affect Your Car Dealer’s Insurance Policy

The years trading as a car dealership

Higher risk is associated with new car dealers with less than a years experience. Resulting in usually higher costs for insurance in earlier premiums

Having 0 no-claims bonus

Having no-claims bonus makes a huge difference to policy prices, with 5 years no-claims resulting in 25-40% discounts. No-claims bonus is a great way to show credibility to the insurer that you’re a lower risk insurance policy.

Being under 25

It is increasingly difficult to get any motor trade policy if the main policy holder is under 25’s but for the best savings opt for them to be unable to drive the cars.

Variety of vehicles sold

It can be hard to know exactly what vehicles you sell, however if you know you will only ever work on a limited variety of vehicles (such as cars & vans) you can get a cheaper policy by not having an ‘any vehicle’ policy.

Location of business premises

Insurers have become extremely advance how they price on location is recent years being able to provide a price based on post code and street. This can means your location can have a huge effect on insurance policy price.

Paying for the car dealership insurance policy upfront

Rather than paying a monthly insurance policy, you could save your business £100’s by paying annually.

Increasing voluntary excess

Providing a voluntary excess it gives an insurance underwriter confidence you are not wanting to claim.

Shopping around 30 days before renewal

By shopping around, you’ll ensure you get the best renewal price for your car dealership. We suggest doing this 30 days before renewal, any longer than 30 days will result in not all underwriters providing you with a quote meaning you may miss out on the best deals.

Get Cheaper Body Shop Garage Insurance

About iQuote Insurance

iQuote Insurance is part of the Leads2Market network that connects individuals and businesses to brokers who can offer them bespoke quotes. Leads2Market has helped over 30,000 customers in the last 2 years get a competitive insurance quote.

You will either be contacted by a broker directly or a specialist quote handler if any details need double-checking.

Having a large panel of brokers, we can ensure you get the best deal across the whole market.

No matter your age, experience, and requirements, we can help you get the right body shop garage policy for you, keeping you and your business protected.